In the previous post, we explored the importance of vulnerability in creating a safe space for reflection. Now that you’ve begun the process of reflection, it’s time to focus on alignment—specifically, the “What” your organization does. Reflecting on what you do may seem straightforward, but it’s about uncovering the deeper purpose behind your organization’s work and aligning that with your team’s shared values.
In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of reflecting on your organization’s core activities and uncovering insights that will help you define your Mission. With a focus on curiosity, we’ll explore how to examine what you do, identify what aligns with your purpose, and gather feedback from the team in a way that leads to a Mission statement that everyone can rally around.
Starting with Reflection: What Does Your Organization Do?
Before we dive into the process of gathering feedback, it’s essential to first reflect on what your organization actually does. It’s easy to jump into tasks and deliverables, but it’s important to take a step back and ask:
- What problem do we solve?
- What’s the value we bring to our customers?
- How do our actions align with our deeper purpose?
This phase of reflection requires deep curiosity. It’s not just about listing what you do on a day-to-day basis—it’s about understanding why your work matters and how it contributes to your larger Mission.
The Role of Leadership in Reflection
As leaders, it’s your job to set the tone for the reflection process. This isn’t just about answering a set of questions; it’s about sharing your personal journey and passion for the organization’s purpose. When you share your own story—why you started the company, what excites you about the work—it helps the team connect with the Mission on a deeper level.
Leadership sets the stage for vulnerability, and when leaders share their stories authentically, it encourages others to do the same. This builds a shared understanding of why the work matters, and it’s this collective energy that will shape the Mission statement.
Gathering Input: The Power of Team Reflection
Once leadership has shared their reflections, it’s time to open the floor to the rest of the team. This is where the collaborative process becomes essential. Encourage each team member to reflect on their own journey—why they’re here and how their work aligns with the organization’s Mission.
To collect meaningful input, you can ask questions like:
- What excites you about the work we do?
- What part of our mission resonates with you the most?
- How does your role contribute to the larger purpose of the organization?
- How does our Mission align with your personal values?
This exercise helps ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and creates a sense of ownership and alignment across the organization.
Consolidating Feedback: The Art of Refinement
With all this feedback in hand, it’s time to consolidate and refine the input. Start by categorizing the feedback into major themes, and look for areas of alignment. As you sift through the responses, identify statements that are clear and actionable. Some statements might need revision, while others may fit perfectly into your Mission statement without much change.
Here’s where it gets interesting:
- Low-hanging fruit: Start with the easy wins. What aligns perfectly with your purpose and doesn’t need much revision?
- The challenging parts: Once the low-hanging fruit is addressed, dive into the more difficult aspects. What doesn’t quite fit yet? Can you rephrase or adjust it to fit the larger Mission?
- Leaving some out: If there are statements that don’t quite fit, set them aside for future refinement. This is a journey, and sometimes not everything needs to be included right away.
Remember: Mission creation is not about perfection. It’s about alignment—aligning your team around the core purpose that will drive the organization forward.
The Ripple Effect: Why Everyone’s Input Matters
You might be wondering, “Why go through all this effort to gather feedback from everyone?” The answer is simple: alignment. When everyone has a stake in the Mission, it becomes more than just a statement on paper—it becomes a shared vision that drives the team forward.
The process of gathering feedback, discussing it, and refining the statement ensures that the Mission resonates with everyone in the organization. It empowers individuals to feel connected to the larger purpose, creating a ripple effect that leads to more engaged, motivated teams.
Finalizing the Mission: Balancing Clarity and Detail
Once you’ve gathered all the input and refined the statement, it’s time to put everything together into a final Mission statement. The goal here is to keep it clear and concise, while still capturing all the important details.
The process might take some time, but the key is to ensure that the Mission speaks to the organization’s core purpose and resonates with the team’s shared values. By involving everyone in this process, you’ll create a Mission that reflects the true heart of your organization.
Actionable Takeaway:
Reflect on the following questions with your team:
- What are the core values that drive our work?
- How does each person’s role contribute to the Mission?
- What are we missing in our Mission statement? What needs to be added or refined?
As you reflect and gather feedback, remember that this process is about alignment, not perfection. The goal is to create a Mission that speaks to everyone and drives your organization toward a shared future.
By embracing curiosity and collaboration, you’ll create a Mission statement that truly reflects your organization’s purpose. As you continue the journey of aligning your team, keep in mind that this is a living document—one that will evolve as your company grows, learns, and adapts.