In the journey toward organizational clarity, inconsistencies often arise—moments when things just don’t quite align with the mission, values, or vision of the company. But inconsistencies aren’t problems; they are opportunities for deeper understanding, growth, and transformation.
In this article, we’ll explore how to embrace inconsistencies as a tool for increasing awareness and creating alignment. We’ll discuss the three types of inconsistencies and provide actionable strategies to address them. By approaching inconsistencies with a curious mindset and a collaborative approach, you can unlock new opportunities for clarity and growth.
The Three Types of Inconsistencies
When we identify an inconsistency, it’s important to understand which type we’re dealing with, as this will inform our approach. There are three main types of inconsistencies that organizations encounter:
1. Awareness-Based Inconsistencies
These inconsistencies are often easily corrected with awareness. Just like when you’re driving and the grooves on the road grab your attention, you correct the steering and get back on track. Once the team becomes aware of the inconsistency, the alignment often resolves itself.
Example: A team member may not be aware that their approach to a task is misaligned with the Mission. Once they’re made aware, they naturally adjust their approach, and the inconsistency is resolved. Awareness often leads to a natural correction.
2. Re-focus-Based Inconsistencies
These inconsistencies arise when the team gets too focused on an obstacle and loses sight of the larger goal. Just like when hiking, you might encounter an impassable river, but once you re-focus on your intended destination, you find a solution.
Example: A team may be fixated on a specific process that feels like a barrier, but by stepping back and revisiting the Mission, they may discover that there’s a simpler solution or a shift in approach that resolves the issue. By refocusing on the larger purpose, you can often avoid or overcome obstacles.
3. Actionable Inconsistencies
Occasionally, you’ll encounter inconsistencies that can’t be resolved through awareness or re-focus alone. These require action. When this happens, it’s important to break the inconsistency down into its simplest components.
Example: A team’s performance metrics may not align with the company’s Mission. By examining the components of the performance process, you can identify which specific areas need to be adjusted for better alignment. Even complex inconsistencies can be addressed by breaking them apart and understanding where the misalignment lies.
Addressing Inconsistencies with a Collaborative and Curious Mindset
One of the most powerful aspects of dealing with inconsistencies is collaboration. Most companies don’t have a true collaborative culture, especially when it comes to solving complex issues. But as soon as the team begins using the Mission statement as a tool for collaboration, they start to build the organizational skillset to tackle inconsistencies together.
To address an inconsistency collaboratively, encourage all stakeholders involved in the issue to come together and discuss potential solutions. Here’s how:
- Create a safe space for open dialogue: Ensure everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas.
- Focus on curiosity: Encourage the team to approach the inconsistency with the intent to learn from each other’s perspectives.
- Look for opportunities, not problems: Instead of viewing the inconsistency as a problem to fix, see it as an opportunity to discover new ways to align the team and processes with the Mission.
This curious mindset encourages shared ownership of the solution and ensures that the team feels involved in the process. It’s an opportunity to work together, solve problems creatively, and find alignment.
Shifting Focus: From Fixing Problems to Gaining Clarity
One of the most important shifts in how we view inconsistencies is moving from the idea of “fixing” something to gaining clarity. When you view inconsistencies as an opportunity to increase awareness and understanding, you start to see them differently.
- Awareness is the first step. Many inconsistencies resolve themselves once the team is aware of them.
- Clarity follows. Once you identify the root cause of the inconsistency, the path to resolution becomes clear.
- Alignment happens naturally as you gain clarity and make small adjustments where needed.
The key is to resist the urge to “fix” things immediately. Instead, focus on understanding and aligning your actions with the Mission.
Conclusion: Embracing Inconsistencies as a Growth Opportunity
Inconsistencies are not barriers; they are simply feedback that provides opportunities for growth. By embracing them with curiosity, awareness, and collaboration, you can unlock new pathways to clarity and alignment.
The process of addressing inconsistencies is a dynamic and ongoing journey. It’s not about achieving perfection but about continuously increasing organizational awareness and ensuring that the Mission guides every decision and action. By fostering a culture of curiosity and collaboration, you’ll create a team that thrives on understanding and alignment, leading to a stronger, more resilient organization.
Actionable Takeaway:
- Identify inconsistencies in your organization and categorize them into awareness-based, re-focus-based, or actionable inconsistencies.
- Collaborate with all stakeholders involved in the inconsistency to find a solution that aligns with the Mission.
- Embrace curiosity and learning as part of the process of gaining clarity and alignment.